Most people enjoy receiving a text message or phone call. It can be difficult to ignore your phone when it lights up. Nevertheless, it is extremely dangerous to use a phone while driving. Plus, it could reap serious consequences in most states.


These are a few statistics that will make drivers think twice before using their phone behind the wheel.


Texting and Driving Fatalities


According to an analysis of data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System from 48 states, traffic fatalities reduced 19 people per state per year from 2000-2010 in teenage and adult age groups in states with texting bans.


In 2011, at least 23 percent of traffic accidents occurred when the driver was using a cellphone. That equals 1.3 millions accidents according to Texting and Driving Safety. The consequences of these accidents include 333,000 injuries per year and 11 teen deaths every day.


The Length of a Football Field


Drivers who text lose a minimum of five seconds of attention.


Let’s put this into perspective:


If a driver is going 55 mph and pulls out his or her phone to text, they aren’t looking at the road for the length of a football field. Try scoring a 100-yard with your eyes closed in a football game. Somebody will definitely run into you.


On top of this, teenagers who text and drive spend about 10 percent of that time out of their lane.



Text messaging increases the likelihood of an accident by 23 percent. Dialing increases the likelihood by 2.8 percent. Listening to a call or looking at a text increases it by 1.3 percent. Reaching for your device increases it by 1.4 percent.


Why Do People Still Do It?


All of these statistics are deeply disturbing, and yet people still don’t view it as a problem. 32 percent of teenagers admitted they have texted while driving. 52 percent of teenagers admitted to talking on their cell phone while driving.


Some of these young adults use their cell phones unapologetically while driving. 77 percent of young adults claimed they were confident in their ability to drive safely while texting. 55 percent of young adults claimed texting and driving is easy.


Whom do they learn this habit from?




48 percent of young drivers admitted they have seen their parents drive while talking on a cell phone. 15 percent have seen their parents text and drive.


Cell Phone Laws


Drivers are prohibited from the use of handheld devices while driving in 10 states plus D.C. 32 states and D.C. prohibit novice drivers from cell phone use. 39 state plus D.C. prohibit all drivers from text messaging.


Using your cell phone while driving in any facet is not safe and in many states against the law. Don’t do it.

