Male business man in a blue suit, shaking hands with a client after an introduction meeting


Meeting with a lawyer for the first time can be intimidating. Vocabulary may be new and confusing, and the nature of the meeting may be different from what you were thinking it might be. Here are some tips on what to expect when you are meeting with one of our lawyers for the first time.


Before the Meeting


Make sure to prepare for the meeting before you getting there, in order to optimize the time spent with the lawyer. The following are a few ways to prepare beforehand:


Do your Research


There is a lot of information on our website that may answer some basic questions concerning law. A simple web search can also help with understanding vocabulary and law issues surrounding a circumstance. This is not law advice, however, and you should still talk with your lawyer about all questions regarding your situation.


Come Prepared


Prepare beforehand to meet with a lawyer. Bring questions and concerns to go over during the initial consultation.Bring copies of legal documents received from the court; these papers may be able to explain the predicament to the lawyer.


Go over the Facts


A lawyer will ask about the details of what took place, and the nature of requiring a lawyer. Make sure to remember and have all of the information needed to explain the case to a lawyer. Going over what you want to discuss before getting there will also help both you and the lawyer stay on track; plus, the lawyer may suggest you bring further documents.


During the Meeting


An initial consultation takes about an hour, depending on the complexity of the situation. Follow these tips on how to act during an initial consultation with a lawyer.




Our office is a safe environment, and because of attorney-client confidentiality, what we discuss in the office will never be discussed anywhere else. We cannot disclose information that you provide us in court without your permission, our ethical law requires us to do so. Relax and know that we are not here to judge, just to help.


Take your own Notes


You will discuss a lot with your lawyer, and you may not remember after a few weeks what was said. Bring a notepad and a pen to take notes during the meeting. It will also be useful to write down items that may need to be accomplished before the next meeting. However, it is mindful to note that you are not allowed to record conversations, due to the confidentiality of meetings.


Be Professional


Be prompt and show up on time. Lawyers often have very busy schedules, and even being 10 minutes late can affect their day. Dress professionally. This does not necessarily require a suit, but attire appropriate for a formal meeting.


Clarify Everything


Be sure to clarify questions and concerns. Take the time to clearly understand what will happen next. Usually a lawyer will ask for additional information or documents regarding the case, so be sure to understand exactly what is needed from you before the next visit.

We would be happy to meet with you and discuss the particulars of your situation, or answer any questions you may have before meeting with a lawyer. Feel free to contact us.