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  • A lawyer meeting with her client to prepare the documents for estate planning

How To: Estate Planning

Estate planning is the legal process through which you can decide what is done with your estate after you die, including who will inherit your money, [...]

10 Mistakes First-Time Plaintiffs Make

Practicing law is complicated, and many first-time plaintiffs make mistakes. Law is also unforgiving. Mistakes made by either side can potentially cost plaintiffs the case and with that comes many negative ramifications. We’ve outlined ten common errors made by first-time plaintiffs here, so you can [...]

September 8th, 2020|

7 High Profile Cases that Captivated the Country

As citizens of the United States of America, we care about our country and what goes on around us. In our nation’s brief history, we have already experienced some of the most unbelievable crimes. Murders, fraudulent accounting practices, drug deals, and even political scandals [...]

June 26th, 2020|

Surprising Statistics on Cell Phone Use While Driving

Most people enjoy receiving a text message or phone call. It can be difficult to ignore your phone when it lights up. Nevertheless, it is extremely dangerous to use a phone while driving. Plus, it could reap serious consequences in most states. These are a [...]

May 29th, 2020|


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