Becoming a lawyer is competitive, and everyone has their two cents on what makes a great lawyer. The Pennsylvania Bar Institute conducted an extensive study to identify and explore the characteristics of accomplished lawyers. They found that soft skills are universally identified as the key factor in a lawyer’s aptitude for success in practice and business. This highlights what makes a great attorney and underscores the traits of a good lawyer.


What Makes a Great Lawyer?

These 7 qualities encompass the essence of the soft skills found in great attorneys:




This trait seems like an obvious one; however, it includes a wide range of skills many people forget are essential to leadership, including project management, accountability, integrity, and effective communication/people skills. 


What makes a great lawyer is their ability to simultaneously balance multiple cases with varying responsibilities. Having an established project management system and someone to be accountable is vital to each case’s success.

Mistakes can and do happen, and it is imperative that when something goes awry, the attorney has the integrity and communication skills to navigate the situation successfully.




Lawyers are known for their logic and impeccable deductive reasoning skills. While those are essential skills, a lawyer must also be able to combine them with creative thinking and strategic problem-solving.

Case law is often established when an attorney can think about an issue in a new way and take a different approach than previous attorneys, showcasing what makes a great lawyer.


Creativity is like a muscle; it requires constant and consistent training. Find a way to stimulate your creativity and make it a daily routine.




Being a lawyer requires having thick skin and the ability to bounce back from setbacks or failures. Being resilient as a lawyer includes persevering through difficult tasks and understanding persuasion techniques to accomplish a difficult goal.


There isn’t a class in law school that teaches resilience, but law students and lawyers can train themselves to think differently. Evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses and find ways to shift your perspective on difficult situations.

Over time, resilience will develop as a natural by-product of an increased perspective, embodying what makes a great lawyer.


Risk Management


Depending on your area of practice, you may have more or less risk associated with the outcomes of your cases. Whether it’s prosecuting a small civil suit or defending an inmate sentenced to death row, there is a level of risk that must be managed with clients and within your firm. 


Key parts of risk management include analytical and research skills, judgment, and financial literacy. Understanding how and why different aspects of business, the law, and human interaction function will help an attorney develop the emotional intelligence to make accurate risk assessments and convey them to everyone involved.


Self-Direction & Self-Motivation


The ability to stay motivated in the appropriate direction is a coveted skill for all jobs, especially for attorneys, as it reflects key traits of a good lawyer. Lawyers are given a fair amount of autonomy in their cases and need to know not just how to stay motivated but also where their time will be best spent.  


Visual reminders, accountability to friends or coworkers, and a daily routine will help attorneys increase their ability to self-motivate and self-direct, which is crucial in understanding what makes a great attorney.


A group of individuals in a meeting at a wooden table, with one person taking notes, highlighting teamwork and collaboration in a bright, informal setting.


Ability to Work in Groups


Humility and respect are vital to the traits of a good lawyer and are essential to the success of any group. The application of the law is becoming more complex as society and technology evolve. Rarely, if ever, is a case won by a single attorney. Partners, associates, paralegals, and everyone contributes to the success of a firm and its cases.


Spend time at lunch or other free time in law school or in the firm to meet people and hear their stories. Developing a perspective on other people’s circumstances will help increase an individual’s ability to work in groups.


Commitment to Lifelong Learning


Attorneys must stay current on the law’s ever-changing applications if they are going to continue to be relevant and provide value to their partners and clients. As the world evolves and changes, so does how people interact with each other. These ideological shifts open new avenues for case law as the law is creatively and strategically applied to new and important issues.


Soft skills don’t come naturally to everyone, but there are ways to develop and improve them. A mentor or close friend who is willing to give honest and constructive feedback is invaluable in pursuing a career as an attorney.

FAQs About Great Lawyers

Navigating the complexities of the legal profession can be daunting, whether aspiring to become an attorney or seeking to understand what sets the best apart from the rest. 

Our frequently asked questions section provides insights into the qualities, skills, and attributes that distinguish outstanding lawyers in their field. This guide answers common questions and sheds light on what it takes to excel in the competitive world of law. 

These FAQs are designed to offer valuable information to anyone interested in the legal profession.

What is the Best Quality of a Lawyer?

The best quality of a lawyer is the ability to combine effective communication with accountability, ensuring they can lead and manage complex cases with integrity.

What Personality is Best for a Lawyer?

A resilient and adaptable personality is best for a lawyer, as it allows them to effectively handle the pressures and challenges of the legal field.

What is the Best Skill of a Lawyer?

The best skill of a lawyer is effective risk management, which involves making informed decisions under uncertainty and communicating these risks clearly to clients.

What type of lawyer is the most successful?

Corporate lawyers are often considered the most successful financial earnings and influence in high-stakes negotiations and transactions.